Last updated: Feb 2025
Finding the right Education PPC company to work with doesn't have to be a long and frustrating experience.
Since 2015, we’ve helped 6,500+ companies save days of time by connecting them with digital marketing companies who get results. Our personalized and proven process is built to help you find the right Education PPC company to work with fast, so you can get back to marketing.
You can rest easy knowing that all companies listed on this page have passed our 28-point and 3-step vetting process, which means they have proven experience solving the exact pain points you have around growth and marketing.
If you're ready to finally find the right company to work with that has years of proven experience, use the form on this page to get started!
Join the thousands of companies who trust the Credo network, including:
Paid search advertising helps to immediately boost traffic, visibility and conversions for your brand’s website. We manage media spend with your brand’s business goals & objectives top of mind.
PPC (paid per click) has as mission to get your message at the right audience, at the right time. Using advanced targeting strategies, we can help you reduce wasted spend and get a better return on your ad spend.
Out-maneuver your competitors with pay-to-play digital advertising that capitalizes on opportunity and operates on responsive strategy.
LFDM offers a full range of digital marketing services that can help improve your online presence and increase online sales. Whether you need a complete online marketing campaign or just a specific task taken care of, our online marketers will develop an online marketing plan to match your business goals and help you meet online marketing deadlines.
A comprehension of client behaviour is closely associated with the execution of strategies gained from the integrated data. Therefore, we minutely assess the data to come out with the best strategies for each company through an Omni-channel media solution. After a brief experiment of careful coordination, we deliver the result on making a successful approach towards the varied channels.
We have built a multi-disciplinary team of specialists in Analytics, Campaign Execution, Data, Data warehouse development, IT, Software development, Cloud Solutions, Marketing and Advertising.
Our team members have significant experience across and within key disciplines which allows us to offer comprehensive solutions along with with advice and experience on the optimal implementations.
We know that just providing a great technical service is not enough – we have to also provide great client service with top-notch relationship management.
Performance marketing with real time bidding and real growth. We like to take a holistic approach to Paid Search campaigns: we’ll start with what’s been working for you in the past, restructure to optimize for performance, and build new campaigns to further your reach and maximize ROI.
Even social media marketing has become a big hurdle for many companies. Before, social media platforms allowed businesses to reach millions of prospects worldwide for free. Over time, social media giants have started launching ad regulations that require advertisers to pay more to get their content in front of their ideal customers. This becomes an issue because not all marketers have the capacity and resources to launch and support ongoing social media campaigns at scale.
Besides web development and social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) is also one of the most crucial aspects of gaining higher brand exposure. The problem with SEO and other internet marketing strategies, however, is they take time, effort and a relatively large investment of capital before you see the results.
If you’re looking for an immediate campaign boost and a fast return on investment (ROI), pay per click advertising is a profitable choice. Maintain full control of your paid search marketing efforts and acquire positive business outcomes with targeted PPC services.
With Logic Inbound’s careful strategy and execution, we can put ads in front of people who actually care about your brand without throwing away money by serving ads to people who simply aren’t interested. Facebook advertising allows us to harness the combined demographic data of every user and reach your likely customers.
Everyone would love to be at the top of Google search results. That coveted spot leads to countless potential customers reaching out to you, higher conversion rates, and a lower cost per sale.
However, we’ve been told that obtaining this position requires impeccable SEO, consistently adding SEO-optimized content, backlinks, and even time. All of this is true of organic search. But depending on your monthly budget, utilizing Google Ads, you too can show at the top of the search results and leverage the benefits that come with it.
My team and I offer professional SEO and development services that help website companies to increase their organic search score drastically — even when they need to rank for very competitive keywords. Our process includes web development, niche & keyword research, on-page optimization, high-powered link building, and quality content creation to get you the results your business deserves. ⬆️⬆️ 📅 Ongoing SEO * This is the BEST option if you want to rank for high competitive keywords. SEO is a…
Paid digital marketing allows you to connect customers to your message while they are browsing the internet. Whether you want to drive qualified leads, remarketing to an existing audience, or generating awareness to a new audience, our search, remarketing, and social advertising programs align with our proven, three-step process to create awareness, drive leads and close the deal. Our internal team handles all aspects of campaign integration and execution from keyword strategies, audience targeting, creative, reporting, and optimization. If your audience can be defined, we can reach them.
Showing 12 of 31 providers. Learn how to get listed on this page.
"When I was tasked with hiring someone to help with our marketing, I turned to Credo. They introduced us to two vetted pros who specialized in what we need. Credo saved us a lot of time and money by getting us the right pros the first time."
"We contacted Credo and after a 30 minute discussion where they asked deeper questions to clarify our needs and current setup (including other agencies we already work with), they introduced us to two agencies who ended up being a perfect fit for us."
"This was my first time using Credo and I will never hire another agency without them. I needed a PPC agency and I needed one FAST. Credo got me 3 discovery calls in a day with some seriously high quality companies. The hardest part was choosing between them. If you're going to hire an agency, use Credo. Seriously."
"All 3 candidates were awesome and I really appreciated the process. Using Credo blew my mind in terms of saving time, 3 super high quality candidates, and we got a lot out of hearing their various approaches."
Credo helps companies find and hire the right marketing partner.