Do you ever have prospective clients telling you that you are too expensive for them? If this happens super early in the sales cycle, that’s a gift because you’re not spending time on leads that aren’t qualified for you. But if they meet your minimum project budget and they still tell you this, that sucks.
You might be familiar with the idea of price anchoring. If you’re hearing that you’re too expensive late in the process, that is a breakdown in your sales process not the fault of the client.
Let’s address that.
This video encompasses these two points:
- What Cutco taught me about anchoring
- How to set their expectations early
As I said, it’s a private video and you need the password CredoPlus! to access it.
Don’t Anchor Yourself Low from John Doherty on Vimeo.
Enjoy, and I’d love to hear what questions you have about sales that I can address for you!