If you’re like me then sometimes life gets crazy. But if you set up your systems to bring you success, you’ll keep doing what you need to do in spite of it.

Hi I’m John Doherty and I’m the founder of Credo.

If you’re looking to take your marketing to the next level with an agency, make sure you’ve downloaded our guide to hiring an agency and scheduled a time to speak with our team here.

If you’re like me and sometimes get way too busy, following this system will keep you sane:

  1. Schedule it into your calendar
  2. Schedule preparation time
  3. Have others reliant on you
  4. Batch it

First, build a calendar that has dates and topics set against it. Keep to that schedule, because the most important person to keep your word to is yourself.

Second, schedule in the time ahead of time to get it done so that you’re not left scrambling day-of.

Third, force yourself to get it done ahead of time by having someone else who needs it before it can be published. This can be an editor, a designer, or whoever else is on it. This way, you have to get it done or you’ll keep them from being successful.

Fourth and finally, plan it far enough ahead of time that you can batch create it over a day or few and then have all of your content ready to go for the upcoming period of time (ideally a few months!)

If you’re looking to take your marketing to the next level with an agency, make sure you’ve downloaded our guide to hiring an agency and scheduled a time to speak with our team here.