Want to see what a specialized brand building agency can do for you? Click here to access a list of Credo-vetted teams waiting to bring your brand to the next level. Building a strong brand is essential in today’s competitive market. It helps your brand stand out from the crowd and make a lasting impression on the folks who are most likely to buy from you. If you want to build a brand people remember, that requires an integrated, brand-wide…
Online courses are HOT right now. With so much of the world coming online in a rush and getting used to doing things not in person and instead via Zoom, people are looking to gain that same knowledge as before (and maybe in a faster and easier way) via online courses. Simply put, online courses are about to be one of the most profitable businesses to build. So how do you market an online course and ultimately convert your site…
Looking to replatform your website to a modern CMS? Did you know that Credo helps companies find the right web development agency to work with? Schedule a free evaluation with our team to learn more. Did you know that old websites cost companies a lot of money every day? If we accept that every additional second of load speed costs a business 7% of conversions, old websites with old code that is no longer up to date cost businesses a…
Are you looking to launch or replatform an e-commerce website? Whether it is your full-time gig or a side hustyle, you are probably asking yourself: “Which platform should I use? Should I use Shopify or WooCommerce for my e-commerce site? Throw in SquareSpace or Magento, and the clear leader of these three options is Shopify, then WooCommerce, then SquareSpace. Free five step ecommerce SEO framework Struggling to focus your ecommerce SEO efforts? Download our free ecommerce SEO framework and drive…
Content marketing is a digital strategy that helps you connect to customers, directly and organically. Instead of bombarding potential customers with repetitive messaging full of sales speak, content marketing is a modern-day rebuke to these traditional marketing strategies. And one that allows you, as a business owner or marketer, to engage with and make a genuine connection with your audience and customers. Your people. The genuine part is key. The goal of content marketing is to turn curious prospects into…
When your business is struggling, you need to stop doing what you’ve been doing. Simple enough, right? That may sound like pie in the sky but a few small decisions can go a long way to fix what’s ailing your business. That doesn’t mean it will be smooth sailing. But if you take a holistic, strategic approach to beat back the struggle, your business can grow into everything you imagined. Almost every business will hit roadblocks at one point or…
Looking for a new digital agency because a new strong competitor entered your space and you need to accelerate results? Schedule a free marketing evaluation with our team to meet the right agencies fast. In this economy, you can’t afford not to. It’s fast, free, and we get it right. Matching brands with agencies is literally what we do. If you are running or working at a moderately successful company, you will face challenges when new competitors enter your space….
One question we get a lot is: What’s the best CMS for small to medium size businesses to use for SEO? There are many variables to take into account when considering the best Content Management System (CMS) for your small business’ company website in addition to SEO. Key considerations include: Maintenance and maintainability; Customization; Ease of use However, SEO is absolutely a consideration that you should take into account for your website. SEO needs to be a cornerstone of your…
Hey there! If you’ve booked a call with Credo in the past two years, we’ve likely spoken about your marketing budget. If not, let me introduce myself… I’m Emily Faxon, head of Client Success at Credo. I am in charge of listening to your marketing needs and then introducing you to the Pros I believe will help you accomplish your goals. I weave my knowledge of the Credo Network and my background in recruiting to make the right introductions. And…
Looking for a new digital agency to help grow your business with tangible KPIs and OKRs? Schedule a free marketing evaluation with our team to meet the right agencies fast. It’s fast, free, and we get it right. Two of the most useful measurements available to set objectives and goals for your business are KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and OKRs (Objective and Key Results). Why? Because you need to know your numbers. If you don’t know your numbers, you don’t know…
Hiring is hard, time-consuming, and stressful. And yet, you know that this is one of the most important processes of successfully scaling and building your business. This holds true in any industry. But when it comes to hiring a digital marketing agency in 2022, the hiring process can be a special kind of demoralizing. The industry average for hiring a marketing agency is 8-12 weeks. (With Credo? You can expect 3-5 weeks.) Let’s be honest, you don’t have 8-12 weeks…
Over the years I have had a lot of people ask me about “the latest tips and tricks” for digital marketing, but these same people are not doing the basics of digital marketing like content marketing or ad retargeting that are proven to drive results. While I get that some people want to be on the cutting edge of things and to find new things that are working in order to get ahead of their competitors, I’ve also found that…
We’ve updated our list of key SEO statistics to help you as you prep your campaigns for 2023
One of the fun parts of our jobs here at Credo is talking with companies who have grown a great lifestyle business to the half million dollar or so per year mark, and are now ready to start marketing. This is fun because if a company has grown to that mark off essentially no formalized marketing, doing real marketing can really take their growth to the next level. The important thing is approaching marketing in the right way. And that’s…
I recently completed a program called 75 hard. In this program, every day for 75 days you: Do two 45 minute workouts, spaced at least 3 hours apart, and one has to be outdoors Drink a gallon of water Read 10 pages of a business book Take a progress photo Follow a diet, no cheat meals No alcohol When I heard it was 75 days, I thought to myself “oh that’s not bad.” Then I looked at each of the…
Over the past few years I’ve become very interested in investing. Stock market, property, cryptocurrency, it’s all fair game and interesting to me. This is partially why when I speak with marketers and founders (especially founders), I notice often that their mindset and approach to marketing is one of marketing as an expense instead of as an investment. As 3xcorp says so well: An expense costs you money; an investment is supposed to make you money. When viewed as an…
Recently I saw a tweet from my acquaintance Justin Jackson over at Transistor.fm where he shared a blog post on Transistor written by his daughter (I don’t know her age, but it blows my mind that people I consider peers have kids old enough to write blog posts on company website) about her findings from a survey of her peers (Gen Z) and where they listen to podcasts. Her takeaway (graph below) is that Gen Z largely listens to podcasts…
I grew up in a pretty conservative evangelical Calvinist “Christian” church and household. Thus, I learned to look at things in a very binary way. Right/wrong. Black/white. Good/bad. Sin/not sin. Chosen/not chosen. Redeemed/not redeemed. It’s an interesting way to grow up that doesn’t really hold up (IMO) once it comes up against the real world (outside of that line of belief’s safe bubble). I’m not here to debate religion though, so I’ll just say I haven’t been to church outside…
Are you struggling to put together a proper marketing budget, or not sure where to start and how to think about budgeting for marketing so you can hit your growth goals? Then this video is for you. What’s covered If you’re watching this video, you probably have the following challenges: You’re spending on marketing, but you’re not sure if what you’re paying is worthwhile or even within market norms. You’re not hitting your goals through marketing, and you’re trying to…
Are you a business that focuses on your local area? If so, then this video is for you because I go deep with local marketing expert Greg Gifford. What we cover In this video, we cover the following: Minute 05 – The difference between nationwide and local marketing Minute 06:10 – How searches change based on where you’re located Minute 7:25 – My pizza story – why local SEO is important Minute 11:25 – I do some searches in my…
One of the areas of digital marketing that I know woefully little about is franchises. I worked with a franchise company (InterContinental Hotels Group) years ago on their corporate site, but I never really had great answers for questions around what their franchises could do to help SEO or how to establish guidelines for digital marketing. Luckily there are people like Jordan Choo, my guest today, who are experts in franchise digital marketing. In this video we discuss: How much…