Looking for a new digital marketing agency that can accelerate your results and get you more website traffic? Schedule a free marketing evaluation with our team to meet the right agencies fast. In this economy, you can’t afford not to. It’s fast, free, and we get it right. Matching brands with agencies is literally what we do. [This post is updated annually to add and remove ways to drive traffic to your site. It was last updated May 2023.] You…
We live in a fascinating time. Perhaps you grew a few affiliate sites organically, went on to help a couple of friends get that #1 spot on search engines, and… boom! -you decided to start an SEO agency. You know you can get results & can convince potential clients of the same. However, this is no individual work; now, you are in the agency business. Here, understanding the client’s business thoroughly & understanding their goals and reasons behind hiring your…
Make sure to subscribe on iTunes or Spotify for a new episode every Thursday! A couple of months ago, I was on an airplane in Portugal getting ready to take off. I wasn’t the pilot but I did have a window seat (rare for me as I usually prefer the aisle). As I tend to do on planes, I was listening to a podcast and doing some work. I was technically on vacation, but we hadn’t landed in our location yet…
Looking for a new ppc agency who can accelerate your results? Schedule a free marketing evaluation with our team to meet the right agencies fast. In this economy, you can’t afford not to. It’s fast, free, and we get it right. Matching brands with agencies is literally what we do. Since 2015, we’ve seen 6,500+ companies come through Credo with the goal of hiring a marketing agency. In this time, one fascinating trend has come up time and time again….
Aleyda Solis is one of my favorite people in the digital marketing world. She’s whip smart, has a ton of hustle, is always doing interesting things and sharing the learnings with others, and she’s super fun to hang out with (I’ve had hangovers for days after hanging out with her). She’s also an incredible marketer and entrepreneur, and over the last few years has built a business that she loves running from wherever she happens to be in the world….
This post is updated annually to add and remove ways to drive traffic to your site. It was last updated August 2021. You need more website traffic. If you run an online business, traffic is your lifeblood because it enables your business model to work and pay your bills. Therefore, you need to employee multiple strategies to bring new visitors to your site and keep old visitors engaged with your content. Here are 51 ways to drive and increase traffic…
When most people start consulting on their own (and subsequently hire people and start an agency), they charge too little. Don’t be embarrassed – everyone does it. When I did my first freelance consulting projects in 2011/2012, I charged $50 per hour and was billing hourly. I realized years later that I made them ~$2,000,000 dollars from my SEO work, and I made ~$2,500 from that engagement. Great ROI for them, but not for me. With my next few clients,…
Last week I wrote about SEO tools and I’m doing it again today because it’s an important topic that isn’t talked about much these days in the digital marketing world. Today I want to cover the question I have often thought about and heard around what tools a business should have access to vs what tools they rely on their agency for. I’ve worked inhouse and at agencies with clients, using many of the tools on the market today. I’ve gone through many…
One of the most interesting things about running my business Credo has been watching the pros on the platform sell their services to businesses interested in hiring a digital marketing professional. I have experience working in sales so as I have watched agencies and consultants try to sell their services, I’ve been able to guide many of them to much better close rates and therefore a lot more revenue for their business. One agency told me recently: The quantity and quality…
One of the hardest parts for both sides about a consulting arrangement between a business and an agency is communication. Communication is hard because it takes time, what’s said can be misunderstood, and many people who work digitally would rather not talk on the phone. When I worked at Distilled, we used to say this all the time: Communication solves all problems So as a business working with an agency (or looking to work with one), how do you communicate…
A note from John: this post comes to you from Everett Sizemore at Inflow, who also wrote the monster Prioritizing Your Marketing Channels post. I asked Everett to write this post because I have seen a number of Inflow’s sales cycles and am very impressed with how consultative they are in their process. I believe that this is paramount to the success of consulting businesses who charge a premium for their services. Because they charge a premium, they can afford…
Note from John: this guest post comes to you from Mike Arnesen of UpBuild, a Credo partner agency in Portland, Oregon. Mike contacted me about writing this post because he uses a great workflow that helps him qualify leads and send the ones that are not a good fit for his agency to Credo, so that they can find the right agency or consultant for their needs. Mike found that by implementing this into his workflow, his response time to…
I’ve been in the digital marketing world for about 6 years now and have worked at 2 agencies, two brands inhouse, and now I’m running this company whose blog you are on and doing a bit of side consulting myself. As such, I see and have seen a lot of emails and leads from people seeking SEO services. The SEO and digital marketing industries are still in their nascent early stages. Until just a few years ago, it was relatively…
Looking for a new digital agency who can accelerate your results? Schedule a free marketing evaluation with our team to meet the right agencies fast. In this economy, you can’t afford not to. It’s fast, free, and we get it right. Matching brands with agencies is literally what we do. I’ve been asked many times about how to structure marketing consulting engagements. While there’s no right answer necessarily, each consulting type has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you’re a…